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Diskuze k článku Co prozradil trailer na nového Spider-Mana?

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Filmy od Marvelu začínají v mnohém připomínat skutečné sešitové komiksy. Nejen, že roste množství postav, ale i realit a vesmírných či bájných bytostí. Pro lidi, kteří byli zvyklí na relativní "realističnost" a určitou přízemnost filmů o Iron Manovi, Capt. Amerikovi a vedle toho dělali velkou čáru mezi nimi a fantasy jako Thor, či Strážci galaxie, to může vyvolávat pocit zmatenosti a blbiny, kde Wakanďani jezdí na bojových jednorožcích a Číňani se budou prát s draky. Ovšem věřte, že jsou to stále jen plenky oproti postavám a dějům v původních komiksech a bohužel pro někoho toho začne v těch filmových logicky přibývat. A upřímně, komiksy milují děti, mladiství a nebo dospělí nerdi. U filmů i dospělí antinerdi, ale tak to je a bude. Není třeba ty filmy hned dehonestovat kvůli naivitě a nerealističnosti, to stejné můžou říct milovníci Marvelu o Bondovi, o Hvězdných válkách nebo jakékoliv kriminálce či historickém snímku. Všechny filmy plní sny o tom, jak chceme svět vidět, nebo jak nás minimálně zajímá v podobě, jaký ho třeba nechceme. No a spousta lidí chce vidět další filmy od Marvelu a je jim jedno, že ostatní nebudou stíhat všechny postavy a seriály. Naštěstí si tohle Marvel stále umí dobře pošéfovat a všechny postavy dřív nebo později patřičně představit a dát jim prostor na seznámí s publikem. Ta návaznost tam bohužel být musí, jinak by se celý vesmír sesypal jako v případě DC. Kdo nestíhá, nedá se nic dělat, jeho volba. Buď začne u těch sešitových komiksů, nebo si charaktery vyjede někde na netu, nebo se zpětně na marvelovky podívá. 
Filmy od Marvelu začínají v mnohém připomínat skutečné sešitové komiksy. Nejen, že roste množství postav, ale i realit a vesmírných či bájných bytostí. Pro lidi, kteří byli zvyklí na relativní "realističnost" a určitou přízemnost filmů o Iron Manovi, Capt. Amerikovi a vedle toho dělali velkou čáru mezi nimi a fantasy jako Thor, či Strážci galaxie, to může vyvolávat pocit zmatenosti a blbiny, kde Wakanďani jezdí na bojových jednorožcích a Číňani se budou prát s draky. Ovšem věřte, že jsou to stále jen plenky oproti postavám a dějům v původních komiksech a bohužel pro někoho toho začne v těch filmových logicky přibývat. A upřímně, komiksy milují děti, mladiství a nebo dospělí nerdi. U filmů i dospělí antinerdi, ale tak to je a bude. Není třeba ty filmy hned dehonestovat kvůli naivitě a nerealističnosti, to stejné můžou říct milovníci Marvelu o Bondovi, o Hvězdných válkách nebo jakékoliv kriminálce či historickém snímku. Všechny filmy plní sny o tom, jak chceme svět vidět, nebo jak nás minimálně zajímá v podobě, jaký ho třeba nechceme. No a spousta lidí chce vidět další filmy od Marvelu a je jim jedno, že ostatní nebudou stíhat všechny postavy a seriály. Naštěstí si tohle Marvel stále umí dobře pošéfovat a všechny postavy dřív nebo později patřičně představit a dát jim prostor na seznámí s publikem. Ta návaznost tam bohužel být musí, jinak by se celý vesmír sesypal jako v případě DC. Kdo nestíhá, nedá se nic dělat, jeho volba. Buď začne u těch sešitových komiksů, nebo si charaktery vyjede někde na netu, nebo se zpětně na marvelovky podívá. 
2 -1
*heavy breathing*

Jako seru vám na všechny (byť možná mnohdy opodstatněný výtky) - jsem konzument a Feigemu tohle žeru. Komplet. Se vším.

Pro tohle chodím do kina. Jasně, jsou geniální počiny jako Wind River, Joker, apod. ale ta dětská (dětinská?) radost z těch mainstream blockbusterů a komiksovek, to jen tak něco nepřebije.

A ta možnost vidět i když původně neplánovanou kulminaci Spider-Manů se kterejma jsem vyrůstal v jednom filmu s Hollandem - klidně budu za povrchního ňoumu, ale pro tohle se dělaj kina.

P.S.: Skalpel skvělej! ;):+
*heavy breathing* Jako seru vám na všechny (byť možná mnohdy opodstatněný výtky) - jsem konzument a Feigemu tohle žeru. Komplet. Se vším. Pro tohle chodím do kina. Jasně, jsou geniální počiny jako Wind River, Joker, apod. ale ta dětská (dětinská?) radost z těch mainstream blockbusterů a komiksovek, to jen tak něco nepřebije. A ta možnost vidět i když původně neplánovanou kulminaci Spider-Manů se kterejma jsem vyrůstal v jednom filmu s Hollandem - klidně budu za povrchního ňoumu, ale pro tohle se dělaj kina. P.S.: Skalpel skvělej! *;)**:+*
5 -2
reaguje na: Fixer
Podle mě se tahle věc, že "lidé už se v daném univerzu nevyznají" těžce přeceňuje. Ve skutečnosti to totiž řešíme jen my fandové a tomu mainstream divákovy, který generuje ty miliardový zisky je to vcelku jedno. Stejně jako se na Avengers Infinity War a Endgame nechalo jít a užít si to bez nakoukání celého marvelu a určitě to tak i zůstane :)
Podle mě se tahle věc, že "lidé už se v daném univerzu nevyznají" těžce přeceňuje. Ve skutečnosti to totiž řešíme jen my fandové a tomu mainstream divákovy, který generuje ty miliardový zisky je to vcelku jedno. Stejně jako se na Avengers Infinity War a Endgame nechalo jít a užít si to bez nakoukání celého marvelu a určitě to tak i zůstane *:)*
2 -1
reaguje na: hroubek
to mě samozřejmě napadlo. Jenže Molina potvrdil že je naprosto stejny Dock Oc z Raimyho filmu.
to mě samozřejmě napadlo. Jenže Molina potvrdil že je naprosto stejny Dock Oc z Raimyho filmu.
2 0
reaguje na: P.J
Já měl na mysli tenhle:

Act IThe first scene takes place in an abandoned building somewhere in New York
at night. A group of teenagers is exploring this abandoned building for a
livestream. They talk about how the place is supposedly haunted. They
eventually encounter a mysterious figure stumbling out of the darkness,
clad in green armor, but injured. The teenagers are scared, but they
attempt to mock the figure, but they run as soon as the figure starts
walking towards them. This figure is none other than Willem DaFoe's
Green Goblin, wearing his armor from the 2002 Spider-Man movie, but
without the helmet.An extended version of the breaking news report from the ending of Far
From Home plays over the Marvel Studios logo, then we see a montage of
screens broadcasting the same video we saw at the ending of Far From
Home when Mysterio exposes Peter Parker as Spider-Man, and of course, JK
Simmons' new version of J Jonah Jameson. Spider-Man is holding his head
in panic, just as he was at the end of Far From Home, he looks back at
MJ and then back at the screen. We then see the reactions of various
people. We see Flash Thompson drop a snack from his mouth as he's
watching, surprised at the fact Peter is Spider-Man. Ned is with his
mother, just as shocked.Spider-Man swings away as people look at him, telling MJ to meet him back at
Queens, Aunt May frantically calls him about what's happening. Spidey
tells her that he'll be home soon and that they should move away as he
fears there might be a mob that will attack their home. Spider-Man
arrives at their apartment building in Queens and they talk about what
to do, calling Happy. Obviously, Aunt May, Ned, and MJ know that Peter
is innocent. They also attempt to contact Nick Fury, but he doesn't
answer (because he's in space), then there's a joke about Nick ghosting
Peter back for not answering "his" calls in Far From Home. Peter tells
Aunt May that they may have time to figure things out since Peter Parker
was just a normal teenager, so not many people will know where he lives
anyway, but then they just suddenly hear a bunch of people gathered
outside yelling at them, including Brad Davis and a few other students
from Peter's school, who probably led the mob to his home.Happy attempts to pick Peter and May up from their apartment, but the people
in front of the apartment building are getting on his way. Peter sees
Happy outside the window, gesturing for them to get back down. Peter
quickly changes to his civilian outfit, goes back down with May, and
confronts the mob, pretending to not know what the hell is happening.
Brad Davis calls him out that he SHOULD know what's happening since his
face was just broadcast all over the world. Happy comes out of his car
and escorts them to the car.In the car, they discuss what to do. Happy suggests hiring a lawyer so
they can settle this legally as there's really nothing else they can do
at this point. May says she might know someone, she pulls out her phone
and starts contacting a lawyer. We cut to a courthouse, Peter is on
trial. The lawyer is none other than Matt Murdock, played by Charlie
Cox. The witness is one of Mysterio's accomplices. The court battle gets
heated as the accomplice presents new evidence showing a more
convincing footage of Peter killing Mysterio that was "not shown to the
public". It's a video doctored with high tech so that it looks like
Peter shot Mysterio at point-blank. They also mentioned that the video
has been examined for any sign of fakery, none was found. Matt attempts
to speak back, but he was cut off by the judge and branded guilty. Matt
tells Peter that he'll find a way to fix this because he KNOWS Peter is
innocent but also subtly implies that he knows he's also Spider-Man.
This is the last we see of Matt Murdock.Peter is arrested, he tells Aunt May that he has no choice but to serve his
sentence and assures her he will be fine. Ned and MJ watch as police
officers escort Peter out of the courtroom, past the crowd of people,
and into a police car. We see a shot of Peter looking out the window of
the police car, past the crowd yelling that Spider-Man is a murderer.
Peter spends a day in prison, being bullied by other inmates, but he
wouldn't fight back. In his cell, a tiny portal opens in front of him
and a piece of paper comes out of it. It's a paper that reads "177A
Bleecker St. Hurry." Peter escapes through the barred window by breaking
the bars and crawling out. Ned and MJ are at May's house to accompany
her so that she wouldn't be lonely. Peter comes in through the window.
May, Ned, and MJ are surprised and happy that Peter escaped, but also
concerned as that would just ruin his reputation further. Peter tells
him that Doctor Strange is calling for him and he'll be going there, he
recognized the portal. Ned and MJ ask to go with him, he disagrees at
first but eventually agrees after being convinced that they'll always
face what's ahead together.They arrive at the Sanctum. They look around the place, and then look up to
see Doctor Strange dramatically floating down the stairs. (this is the
picture where Tom, Zendaya, and Jacob are looking up.) Strange explains
that something dire is happening, and it's something far bigger than
Peter's current issue. He leads them to a room with an orb in the
middle, with vein-like trails all over the area. He explains that the
flow of time has "somehow" been disturbed and that many realities are
starting to bleed into each other. (Obviously, those who watched Loki
know why this is happening.) Strange tells Peter that two timelines are
merging into their own, but with the orb that he apparently dug up from
somewhere, has the ability to slow down the merging process, but he
notes that it's not quite like the Reality Stone. Spider-Man asks why
did he call him in particular and not someone else, similar to how he
asks why Nick Fury chose him to deal with the Elementals in Far From
Home. Strange says that he is somehow the center of the current problem
he's dealing with, a problem that's part of an even bigger problem.
Doctor Strange explains he cannot use leave the Sanctum as he has to
keep reality stable, and this is very difficult now as all of the
Infinity Stones have been destroyed, so he has to rely on pure magic. He
tells Peter that villains from various other realities that are just
like theirs, yet "ever so slightly different", have been transported
into their reality. Their realities all have something in common:
Spider-Man.Doctor Strange reveals that the villains are taken from various points of the
timeline of the Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield movies. Doctor
Octopus, played by Alfred Molina, is taken from the Sam Raimi universe
while he was floating underwater during the ending of Spider-Man 2.
Otto's consciousness is already dead, so it's replaced by the AI of the
tentacles. Sandman is taken from before he encountered black suit
Spider-Man at the sewers in Spider-Man 3. Electro is from after the
events of TASM2, he has learned to control his powers to the point he
got his natural skin color back instead of being blue all the time, he
also wears a green and yellow outfit reminiscent of his classic suit.
The Lizard is taken from the Oscorp tower during the final fight
ofTASM1. Scorpion and Vulture are from the MCU, and have decided to team
up with these versions. They are all working under someone, who is, of
course, Willem DaFoe's Green Goblin, but we do not know this yet.To make sure that Peter is up for the task, Strange teleports Peter's Iron
Spider suit to the Sanctum and combines it with magic, turning it into
the Integrated suit. He tells Peter that it'll allow him to use magic
that will allow him to put the villains in stasis and put them in the
Sanctum so Strange can bring them back to their respective universe and
timelines.Peter actually ends up capturing all five of them and bring them all back to
the Sanctum, but during his fight with Doc Ock, he gets heavily injured.
Three of the villains are imprisoned in the Sanctum.Later on, a recovering Peter talks to Sandman and learns that back in his
reality, his daughter Penny, is sick and that he's only been doing
everything he can to save her. Peter recognizes the name and asks if her
last name is Marko, to which Sandman says yes. Peter tells him that he
knows a girl named Penny Marko in his school, who was happy and was the
survivor of sickness, and that his father, Flint, died during a bank
robbery in an attempt to get money to save her. Sandman reveals that his
name is also Flint and sheds a tear. Peter asks what he's like in
Sandman's world, he tells him that he only fought him once inside an
armored vehicle.Ned, MJ, Peter, and also May who also came to the Sanctum, spend the night
there. Suddenly, they hear an explosion where the villains are
imprisoned. Peter rushes back to where the villains are and found that
most of them have escaped except for Sandman, who looks at him and says
he's sorry, before disappearing. Strange was caught off guard and
injured by the explosion, and he says the event has worsened reality's
state. Strange warns Peter not to go after them while injured, but Peter
tells him that he can't just sit by and let innocent people get hurt
because it's his responsibility. Spider-Man dons the Integrated suit
again. Strange gets an idea. Sandman is trying his best not to hurt him,
but the rest of the villains nearly kill himSpider-Man ends up crashing into a rooftop, completely battered more than he ever
was before, where a figure clad in a green and purple hoodie approaches
him. He takes off his hood, revealing him to be Norman Osborn of the Sam
Raimi universe. This scene is a homage to that scene in Spider-Man 1
where Goblin talks to Tobey's Spidey after dosing him with sleeping gas.
Norman reveals that he was taken from the ending of Spider-Man 1, just
seconds before he was about to be impaled by his own glider. At first,
this scene is done with archive footage of the 2002 movie, but then it
blends with a newly shot scene where Norman is suddenly teleported just
as his glider crashes into the wall he was laying on. We also learn that
he was actually sent into the PAST of the MCU, so he had time to
actually murder the MCU's own Norman Osborn, preventing Oscorp from
existing in the MCU. Instead of turning Oscorp into a big name, he
instead waited for the right time to strike. At first, he thought the
MCU didn't have a Spider-Man but later found out about his existence
because of the events of Homecoming and Far From Home.Norman prepares to kill him as he has learned his lesson not to let Spider-Man
live so he wouldn't get in his way, but he was saved by none other than
Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man, wearing his TASM2 suit. (At this point,
I'm gonna refer to them by their actor names as to avoid confusion)
Norman shouts at Andrew and attacks him, but he gets thrown back. Andrew
grabs Tom and takes him back to the Sanctum. (Note that the script says
something like 'que TASM fanfare', which I assume is them playing the
main theme of either TASM1 or 2 as Andrew's own personal theme music, I
wouldn't be surprised if this is the only scene we hear it, though.)

ACT IIBack at the Sanctum, Ned, MJ, and May are surprised to see another
Spider-Man carry Tom to them. There's a gag here where MJ admires how
tall this version of Spider-Man is. Andrew unmasks himself and says that
he came to help, noting that weird things have been happening back in
his world as well. He was taken to the MCU a few months after the events
of TASM2. Doctor Strange says that he used a "forgotten spell" that's
able to pull inhabitants of other universes to the MCU. While the breach
can do this as well by random, the spell allows him to specifically
choose who to bring over, hoping that two Spider-Men are enough to fight
the villains.Somewhere, the Sinister Six have formed a base. They are not called "Sinister Six"
during the movie, though. Sandman wants to go back to his universe, but
the rest of the villains plan on killing the Spider-Man of this world
instead and conquering it, saying that they no longer have any purpose
back in their worlds as they have already failed. Lizard notes that he
hasn't failed yet, but Norman tells him that he was destined to, but
perhaps it could be different in this world. They plan on attacking the
Sanctum themselves, kill Strange and the Spider-Men, steal the orb, and
attempt to bring more versions of themselves into the MCU somehow.
Vulture and Scorpion then join them, picking up directly after their
interaction in Homecoming's post-credits. Since they're not magic users,
Norman has the idea of using the technology of the MCU's Norman to
control the orb's power. However, this is found out by Doctor Strange
himself who uses an astral projection of himself to infiltrate them.MJ and May talk with Andrew, asking him various questions. Ned and Tom
stared at him at a distance. Ned says something like "dude, how is he
you? you guys look nothing alike". Andrew approaches Tom and says he has
a cool outfit and that he did well out there. Tom says that his suit
was made by Tony Stark and that he's pretty sure he got his ass kicked.
Tom asks Andrew if he knows Tony Stark, but Andrew doesn't recognize the
name. The two bond when they start talking about their differences and
similarities. It's things like the fact Andrew doesn't know a Ned while
Tom doesn't know a Harry. Tom quips that he's been to space, but Andrew
says he technically beats going to space by literally going to another
dimension, but he does note he has never been to space. Andrew says that
MJ is a nice girl and that Tom is lucky to have her, Tom assumes that
Andrew also has an MJ of his own, but he only gets reminded of Gwen
Stacy.Before Tom and Andrew could finish their conversation, Strange interrupts them
and says they need to prepare as the villains will come after them.
Strange says that he'll help in any way he can, but he won't be able to
give Spider-Man more of his magic, but Tom assures him that they can
just build new armored suits to better protect themselves. Happy is
informed by Tom that they'll need tech over to Strange's Sanctum.
Meanwhile, Spider-Man's reputation is further damaged after his escape
from prison and fight with the Sinister Six. Flash is the one being
bullied at school this time for supporting Spider-Man.With Happy's help, Tom and Andrew build new suits for themselves. Tom gets
the black and gold suit while Andrew gets what is described as a
high-tech suit that somewhat resembles a black and gold classic Iron
Spider suit. While Andrew gets a high-tech suit, it's just Tom who is
able to use magic.Tom and MJ share a moment together outside. MJ tells Tom about how she's
worried that they won't be together for that long because of the amount
of danger Tom always finds himself in. Tom assures her that they'll be
together as long as possible and that he will never let anything happen
to himself or her. They share a kiss.We cut to an NYC at sunset. We see a young woman being mugged by a thug
played by Harry Holland. The thug is webbed up by Tobey Maguire's
Spider-Man. His suit closely resembles his classic suit from the Sam
Raimi movies with the raised webbings, but it's described as looking
more sleeker with slightly smaller eyes. Tobey asks if the woman if
she's okay. Tobey then takes a break at a rooftop, takes off his masks,
and gets called by Kirsten Dunst's MJ through his cellphone. Cut to
their living room where she is caring for their daughter, named May
Parker, and tells her that they're almost out of pancake mix. They then
start talking about Tobey's decision of retiring as Spider-Man as other
heroes are now appearing in his world. (It doesn't say who these heroes
are, this is only revealed through Tobey's dialogue. It's not written
anywhere in the script who they are, either.)Tobey arrives home, plays with his daughter, and then has a talk with Mary
Jane about how he needs to be there more for his child. Tobey promises
her that he'll take it easy now. We also get to see newspaper that
seemingly implies that the events of the canceled Spider-Man 4 movie
actually happened (or at least a version of it).

Norman Osborn approaches the entrance of the Sanctum at midnight, he knew that
Strange was expecting him. He monologues about how this new world is
his chance to have something for himself, a chance to get something
bigger than what he had back in the Sam Raimi movies. The rest of the
Sinister Six start wrecking the Sanctum, but it's seemingly empty.
However, Tom lands a drop kick on Electro's head after blending in a
dark spot above him. As the two Spider-Men fight the Sinister Six
inside, we get to see various Strange-related easter eggs from the
comics, as well as other Marvel lore. A rematch against Andrew and the
Lizard happens, in which Andrew tells him how he failed in his plan to
turn everyone into reptiles and how he turned back into Curt Connors. A
copy of Strange does his part in fighting, as well, but he endsup
getting knocked unconscious due to being weakened from trying to bind
reality from breaking.The fight is a pretty big one and ends with the two Spider-Men injured, but
they were able to subdue the Lizard, Scorpion, Vulture, and Doc Ock.
Tom attempts to capture Norman, but he catches him off-guard and stabs
him with a blade through the shoulder. However, Sandman betrays Norman
and attacks him. Sandman is then killed after Norman detonated what
seemed to be pumpkin bombs filled with fluid. Turns out, Norman has a
contigency plan that can kill all of the villains should they ever
betray him. Tom yells at Norman and attempts to attack him yet again,
but Norman summons a new glider that he stole from an old project run by
the MCU's own Norman. While the two Spider-Men put up a good fight
against him, they are ultimately overwhelmed by the glider's weapons,
destroying their new suits. With the two Spider-Men down for the count,
MJ strikes Norman in the head with a steel pipe, but it didn't hurt him.
Norman slowly turns his attention to MJ. Tom screams at MJ to run, but
Norman grabs her by the neck and tosses her across the room, slamming
into a wall rather brutally. Tom screams, but is knocked down by Norman
with one punch.Norman goes to the room where Strange's physical body is. The two have
dialogue together. Norman says that Strange has spent too much time on
trying to maintain reality that he has been severely weakened. Norman
attempts to go for the kill, Strange lets go of the orb and fights
Norman, but not before doing a brief spell on the orb that makes it glow
red briefly. Norman is no match against Strange, but Electro then
appears and takes the orb while Strange is distracted. Strange attempts
to cast a portal in front of Electro as he attempts to escape, but
Norman grabs Strange and throws him against a wall. Strange gets back up
and he has disappeared.Tom craddles MJ who starts bleeding from the noise, mirroring the moment
Andrew lost Gwen in TASM2. Andrew takes off his mask in shock. MJ dies.
Ned and May console Tom, but Strange tells him that they've escaped with
the orb, but he has brought one last back up, even though it isn't
much.Andrew tells Tom about how he lost Gwen Stacy, Tom then shares how he lost
Tony Stark, his own version of Uncle Ben, and now MJ. They then have a
talk about how being Spider-Man will always lead to suffering, but they
must perserver. Andrew tells Tom about how much he always wish he could
have a second chance at saving Gwen's life, no matter in which form. Tom
considers quitting being Spider-Man and just live his life as a
criminal in jail, but Andrew tells him that he's unique in his world and
while being Spider-Man may not always be a great time, it definitely
brings happiness to others.Back in the Sam Raimi universe, Tobey is telling a speech to his daughter
about how he'll think she'll grow up to be someone wonderful, but then a
portal opens behind him. Mary Jane comes into the room as well.The final fight is against the Sinister Six and the three Spider-Men. I've
decided to skip a lot of scenes as they're mostly dialogue and character
development. The fight ends with Norman attempting to bring back more
versions of the Sinister Six over (but you don't get to see them), but
all three Spider-Men gang up on him. The two other Spider-Men attempt to
hold back the Sinister Six while Tom attempts to use the orb to bring
everyone back to their respective timelines, but Norman's tickering with
it has damaged it because it's "overloaded with energy" and using it
risks destroying it. If the orb is destroyed, Strange will have nothing
to use to at least try to fix the multiverse. Portals start appearing
from the sky, buildings, cars (and even people) start falling from them.
Tom successfully sends all the villains and the two other Spider-Men
back to their respective timelines. Norman is put back in the last
second before he's impaled by his glider. Luckily, the orb didn't break,
but it's heavily cracked. Tom thinks about using the orb to bring MJ
back to life and get his secret identity back, Strange warns him not to
do that, but Tom doesn't listen and does it anyway. The orb breaks, and
then Tom looks around as something happens, similar to when Thanos
snapped his fingers. Strange asks what he has done as the screen fades
to white.We cut to Tom waking up in his bed. He greets Aunt May good morning and
heads for school. At school, he meets Ned. They see MJ walk past the
hallway, but she doesn't recognize them, she also seems to be more
popular than she was before. Tom recognizes her and becomes sad seeing
her, but Ned doesn't, he just says that she's out of their league. We
see a somber montage of a depressed Tom going about his day in high
school. There's also a class about alternate dimensions. Tom walks out
of a classroom after class and bumps into a blond girl, they say sorry
to each other and make eye contact, but we don't see who this girl's
face. Cut to black while we hear Tom ask what the girl's name is. Movie
Strange gathers the remains of the broken orb and attempts to fix it, but is
unsuccessful. He then senses something, hearing the faint sounds of
children. Camera pans to his shoulder, revealing Wanda standing behind
him with red glowing eyes.
Já měl na mysli tenhle: [spoiler][b]Act I[/b]The first scene takes place in an abandoned building somewhere in New York at night. A group of teenagers is exploring this abandoned building for a livestream. They talk about how the place is supposedly haunted. They eventually encounter a mysterious figure stumbling out of the darkness, clad in green armor, but injured. The teenagers are scared, but they attempt to mock the figure, but they run as soon as the figure starts walking towards them. This figure is none other than Willem DaFoe's Green Goblin, wearing his armor from the 2002 Spider-Man movie, but without the helmet.An extended version of the breaking news report from the ending of Far From Home plays over the Marvel Studios logo, then we see a montage of screens broadcasting the same video we saw at the ending of Far From Home when Mysterio exposes Peter Parker as Spider-Man, and of course, JK Simmons' new version of J Jonah Jameson. Spider-Man is holding his head in panic, just as he was at the end of Far From Home, he looks back at MJ and then back at the screen. We then see the reactions of various people. We see Flash Thompson drop a snack from his mouth as he's watching, surprised at the fact Peter is Spider-Man. Ned is with his mother, just as shocked.Spider-Man swings away as people look at him, telling MJ to meet him back at Queens, Aunt May frantically calls him about what's happening. Spidey tells her that he'll be home soon and that they should move away as he fears there might be a mob that will attack their home. Spider-Man arrives at their apartment building in Queens and they talk about what to do, calling Happy. Obviously, Aunt May, Ned, and MJ know that Peter is innocent. They also attempt to contact Nick Fury, but he doesn't answer (because he's in space), then there's a joke about Nick ghosting Peter back for not answering "his" calls in Far From Home. Peter tells Aunt May that they may have time to figure things out since Peter Parker was just a normal teenager, so not many people will know where he lives anyway, but then they just suddenly hear a bunch of people gathered outside yelling at them, including Brad Davis and a few other students from Peter's school, who probably led the mob to his home.Happy attempts to pick Peter and May up from their apartment, but the people in front of the apartment building are getting on his way. Peter sees Happy outside the window, gesturing for them to get back down. Peter quickly changes to his civilian outfit, goes back down with May, and confronts the mob, pretending to not know what the hell is happening. Brad Davis calls him out that he SHOULD know what's happening since his face was just broadcast all over the world. Happy comes out of his car and escorts them to the car.In the car, they discuss what to do. Happy suggests hiring a lawyer so they can settle this legally as there's really nothing else they can do at this point. May says she might know someone, she pulls out her phone and starts contacting a lawyer. We cut to a courthouse, Peter is on trial. The lawyer is none other than Matt Murdock, played by Charlie Cox. The witness is one of Mysterio's accomplices. The court battle gets heated as the accomplice presents new evidence showing a more convincing footage of Peter killing Mysterio that was "not shown to the public". It's a video doctored with high tech so that it looks like Peter shot Mysterio at point-blank. They also mentioned that the video has been examined for any sign of fakery, none was found. Matt attempts to speak back, but he was cut off by the judge and branded guilty. Matt tells Peter that he'll find a way to fix this because he KNOWS Peter is innocent but also subtly implies that he knows he's also Spider-Man. This is the last we see of Matt Murdock.Peter is arrested, he tells Aunt May that he has no choice but to serve his sentence and assures her he will be fine. Ned and MJ watch as police officers escort Peter out of the courtroom, past the crowd of people, and into a police car. We see a shot of Peter looking out the window of the police car, past the crowd yelling that Spider-Man is a murderer. Peter spends a day in prison, being bullied by other inmates, but he wouldn't fight back. In his cell, a tiny portal opens in front of him and a piece of paper comes out of it. It's a paper that reads "177A Bleecker St. Hurry." Peter escapes through the barred window by breaking the bars and crawling out. Ned and MJ are at May's house to accompany her so that she wouldn't be lonely. Peter comes in through the window. May, Ned, and MJ are surprised and happy that Peter escaped, but also concerned as that would just ruin his reputation further. Peter tells him that Doctor Strange is calling for him and he'll be going there, he recognized the portal. Ned and MJ ask to go with him, he disagrees at first but eventually agrees after being convinced that they'll always face what's ahead together.They arrive at the Sanctum. They look around the place, and then look up to see Doctor Strange dramatically floating down the stairs. (this is the picture where Tom, Zendaya, and Jacob are looking up.) Strange explains that something dire is happening, and it's something far bigger than Peter's current issue. He leads them to a room with an orb in the middle, with vein-like trails all over the area. He explains that the flow of time has "somehow" been disturbed and that many realities are starting to bleed into each other. (Obviously, those who watched Loki know why this is happening.) Strange tells Peter that two timelines are merging into their own, but with the orb that he apparently dug up from somewhere, has the ability to slow down the merging process, but he notes that it's not quite like the Reality Stone. Spider-Man asks why did he call him in particular and not someone else, similar to how he asks why Nick Fury chose him to deal with the Elementals in Far From Home. Strange says that he is somehow the center of the current problem he's dealing with, a problem that's part of an even bigger problem. Doctor Strange explains he cannot use leave the Sanctum as he has to keep reality stable, and this is very difficult now as all of the Infinity Stones have been destroyed, so he has to rely on pure magic. He tells Peter that villains from various other realities that are just like theirs, yet "ever so slightly different", have been transported into their reality. Their realities all have something in common: Spider-Man.Doctor Strange reveals that the villains are taken from various points of the timeline of the Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield movies. Doctor Octopus, played by Alfred Molina, is taken from the Sam Raimi universe while he was floating underwater during the ending of Spider-Man 2. Otto's consciousness is already dead, so it's replaced by the AI of the tentacles. Sandman is taken from before he encountered black suit Spider-Man at the sewers in Spider-Man 3. Electro is from after the events of TASM2, he has learned to control his powers to the point he got his natural skin color back instead of being blue all the time, he also wears a green and yellow outfit reminiscent of his classic suit. The Lizard is taken from the Oscorp tower during the final fight ofTASM1. Scorpion and Vulture are from the MCU, and have decided to team up with these versions. They are all working under someone, who is, of course, Willem DaFoe's Green Goblin, but we do not know this yet.To make sure that Peter is up for the task, Strange teleports Peter's Iron Spider suit to the Sanctum and combines it with magic, turning it into the Integrated suit. He tells Peter that it'll allow him to use magic that will allow him to put the villains in stasis and put them in the Sanctum so Strange can bring them back to their respective universe and timelines.Peter actually ends up capturing all five of them and bring them all back to the Sanctum, but during his fight with Doc Ock, he gets heavily injured. Three of the villains are imprisoned in the Sanctum.Later on, a recovering Peter talks to Sandman and learns that back in his reality, his daughter Penny, is sick and that he's only been doing everything he can to save her. Peter recognizes the name and asks if her last name is Marko, to which Sandman says yes. Peter tells him that he knows a girl named Penny Marko in his school, who was happy and was the survivor of sickness, and that his father, Flint, died during a bank robbery in an attempt to get money to save her. Sandman reveals that his name is also Flint and sheds a tear. Peter asks what he's like in Sandman's world, he tells him that he only fought him once inside an armored vehicle.Ned, MJ, Peter, and also May who also came to the Sanctum, spend the night there. Suddenly, they hear an explosion where the villains are imprisoned. Peter rushes back to where the villains are and found that most of them have escaped except for Sandman, who looks at him and says he's sorry, before disappearing. Strange was caught off guard and injured by the explosion, and he says the event has worsened reality's state. Strange warns Peter not to go after them while injured, but Peter tells him that he can't just sit by and let innocent people get hurt because it's his responsibility. Spider-Man dons the Integrated suit again. Strange gets an idea. Sandman is trying his best not to hurt him, but the rest of the villains nearly kill himSpider-Man ends up crashing into a rooftop, completely battered more than he ever was before, where a figure clad in a green and purple hoodie approaches him. He takes off his hood, revealing him to be Norman Osborn of the Sam Raimi universe. This scene is a homage to that scene in Spider-Man 1 where Goblin talks to Tobey's Spidey after dosing him with sleeping gas. Norman reveals that he was taken from the ending of Spider-Man 1, just seconds before he was about to be impaled by his own glider. At first, this scene is done with archive footage of the 2002 movie, but then it blends with a newly shot scene where Norman is suddenly teleported just as his glider crashes into the wall he was laying on. We also learn that he was actually sent into the PAST of the MCU, so he had time to actually murder the MCU's own Norman Osborn, preventing Oscorp from existing in the MCU. Instead of turning Oscorp into a big name, he instead waited for the right time to strike. At first, he thought the MCU didn't have a Spider-Man but later found out about his existence because of the events of Homecoming and Far From Home.Norman prepares to kill him as he has learned his lesson not to let Spider-Man live so he wouldn't get in his way, but he was saved by none other than Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man, wearing his TASM2 suit. (At this point, I'm gonna refer to them by their actor names as to avoid confusion) Norman shouts at Andrew and attacks him, but he gets thrown back. Andrew grabs Tom and takes him back to the Sanctum. (Note that the script says something like 'que TASM fanfare', which I assume is them playing the main theme of either TASM1 or 2 as Andrew's own personal theme music, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the only scene we hear it, though.) [b]ACT II[/b]Back at the Sanctum, Ned, MJ, and May are surprised to see another Spider-Man carry Tom to them. There's a gag here where MJ admires how tall this version of Spider-Man is. Andrew unmasks himself and says that he came to help, noting that weird things have been happening back in his world as well. He was taken to the MCU a few months after the events of TASM2. Doctor Strange says that he used a "forgotten spell" that's able to pull inhabitants of other universes to the MCU. While the breach can do this as well by random, the spell allows him to specifically choose who to bring over, hoping that two Spider-Men are enough to fight the villains.Somewhere, the Sinister Six have formed a base. They are not called "Sinister Six" during the movie, though. Sandman wants to go back to his universe, but the rest of the villains plan on killing the Spider-Man of this world instead and conquering it, saying that they no longer have any purpose back in their worlds as they have already failed. Lizard notes that he hasn't failed yet, but Norman tells him that he was destined to, but perhaps it could be different in this world. They plan on attacking the Sanctum themselves, kill Strange and the Spider-Men, steal the orb, and attempt to bring more versions of themselves into the MCU somehow. Vulture and Scorpion then join them, picking up directly after their interaction in Homecoming's post-credits. Since they're not magic users, Norman has the idea of using the technology of the MCU's Norman to control the orb's power. However, this is found out by Doctor Strange himself who uses an astral projection of himself to infiltrate them.MJ and May talk with Andrew, asking him various questions. Ned and Tom stared at him at a distance. Ned says something like "dude, how is he you? you guys look nothing alike". Andrew approaches Tom and says he has a cool outfit and that he did well out there. Tom says that his suit was made by Tony Stark and that he's pretty sure he got his ass kicked. Tom asks Andrew if he knows Tony Stark, but Andrew doesn't recognize the name. The two bond when they start talking about their differences and similarities. It's things like the fact Andrew doesn't know a Ned while Tom doesn't know a Harry. Tom quips that he's been to space, but Andrew says he technically beats going to space by literally going to another dimension, but he does note he has never been to space. Andrew says that MJ is a nice girl and that Tom is lucky to have her, Tom assumes that Andrew also has an MJ of his own, but he only gets reminded of Gwen Stacy.Before Tom and Andrew could finish their conversation, Strange interrupts them and says they need to prepare as the villains will come after them. Strange says that he'll help in any way he can, but he won't be able to give Spider-Man more of his magic, but Tom assures him that they can just build new armored suits to better protect themselves. Happy is informed by Tom that they'll need tech over to Strange's Sanctum. Meanwhile, Spider-Man's reputation is further damaged after his escape from prison and fight with the Sinister Six. Flash is the one being bullied at school this time for supporting Spider-Man.With Happy's help, Tom and Andrew build new suits for themselves. Tom gets the black and gold suit while Andrew gets what is described as a high-tech suit that somewhat resembles a black and gold classic Iron Spider suit. While Andrew gets a high-tech suit, it's just Tom who is able to use magic.Tom and MJ share a moment together outside. MJ tells Tom about how she's worried that they won't be together for that long because of the amount of danger Tom always finds himself in. Tom assures her that they'll be together as long as possible and that he will never let anything happen to himself or her. They share a kiss.We cut to an NYC at sunset. We see a young woman being mugged by a thug played by Harry Holland. The thug is webbed up by Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man. His suit closely resembles his classic suit from the Sam Raimi movies with the raised webbings, but it's described as looking more sleeker with slightly smaller eyes. Tobey asks if the woman if she's okay. Tobey then takes a break at a rooftop, takes off his masks, and gets called by Kirsten Dunst's MJ through his cellphone. Cut to their living room where she is caring for their daughter, named May Parker, and tells her that they're almost out of pancake mix. They then start talking about Tobey's decision of retiring as Spider-Man as other heroes are now appearing in his world. (It doesn't say who these heroes are, this is only revealed through Tobey's dialogue. It's not written anywhere in the script who they are, either.)Tobey arrives home, plays with his daughter, and then has a talk with Mary Jane about how he needs to be there more for his child. Tobey promises her that he'll take it easy now. We also get to see newspaper that seemingly implies that the events of the canceled Spider-Man 4 movie actually happened (or at least a version of it).[b] ACT III[/b]Norman Osborn approaches the entrance of the Sanctum at midnight, he knew that Strange was expecting him. He monologues about how this new world is his chance to have something for himself, a chance to get something bigger than what he had back in the Sam Raimi movies. The rest of the Sinister Six start wrecking the Sanctum, but it's seemingly empty. However, Tom lands a drop kick on Electro's head after blending in a dark spot above him. As the two Spider-Men fight the Sinister Six inside, we get to see various Strange-related easter eggs from the comics, as well as other Marvel lore. A rematch against Andrew and the Lizard happens, in which Andrew tells him how he failed in his plan to turn everyone into reptiles and how he turned back into Curt Connors. A copy of Strange does his part in fighting, as well, but he endsup getting knocked unconscious due to being weakened from trying to bind reality from breaking.The fight is a pretty big one and ends with the two Spider-Men injured, but they were able to subdue the Lizard, Scorpion, Vulture, and Doc Ock. Tom attempts to capture Norman, but he catches him off-guard and stabs him with a blade through the shoulder. However, Sandman betrays Norman and attacks him. Sandman is then killed after Norman detonated what seemed to be pumpkin bombs filled with fluid. Turns out, Norman has a contigency plan that can kill all of the villains should they ever betray him. Tom yells at Norman and attempts to attack him yet again, but Norman summons a new glider that he stole from an old project run by the MCU's own Norman. While the two Spider-Men put up a good fight against him, they are ultimately overwhelmed by the glider's weapons, destroying their new suits. With the two Spider-Men down for the count, MJ strikes Norman in the head with a steel pipe, but it didn't hurt him. Norman slowly turns his attention to MJ. Tom screams at MJ to run, but Norman grabs her by the neck and tosses her across the room, slamming into a wall rather brutally. Tom screams, but is knocked down by Norman with one punch.Norman goes to the room where Strange's physical body is. The two have dialogue together. Norman says that Strange has spent too much time on trying to maintain reality that he has been severely weakened. Norman attempts to go for the kill, Strange lets go of the orb and fights Norman, but not before doing a brief spell on the orb that makes it glow red briefly. Norman is no match against Strange, but Electro then appears and takes the orb while Strange is distracted. Strange attempts to cast a portal in front of Electro as he attempts to escape, but Norman grabs Strange and throws him against a wall. Strange gets back up and he has disappeared.Tom craddles MJ who starts bleeding from the noise, mirroring the moment Andrew lost Gwen in TASM2. Andrew takes off his mask in shock. MJ dies. Ned and May console Tom, but Strange tells him that they've escaped with the orb, but he has brought one last back up, even though it isn't much.Andrew tells Tom about how he lost Gwen Stacy, Tom then shares how he lost Tony Stark, his own version of Uncle Ben, and now MJ. They then have a talk about how being Spider-Man will always lead to suffering, but they must perserver. Andrew tells Tom about how much he always wish he could have a second chance at saving Gwen's life, no matter in which form. Tom considers quitting being Spider-Man and just live his life as a criminal in jail, but Andrew tells him that he's unique in his world and while being Spider-Man may not always be a great time, it definitely brings happiness to others.Back in the Sam Raimi universe, Tobey is telling a speech to his daughter about how he'll think she'll grow up to be someone wonderful, but then a portal opens behind him. Mary Jane comes into the room as well.The final fight is against the Sinister Six and the three Spider-Men. I've decided to skip a lot of scenes as they're mostly dialogue and character development. The fight ends with Norman attempting to bring back more versions of the Sinister Six over (but you don't get to see them), but all three Spider-Men gang up on him. The two other Spider-Men attempt to hold back the Sinister Six while Tom attempts to use the orb to bring everyone back to their respective timelines, but Norman's tickering with it has damaged it because it's "overloaded with energy" and using it risks destroying it. If the orb is destroyed, Strange will have nothing to use to at least try to fix the multiverse. Portals start appearing from the sky, buildings, cars (and even people) start falling from them. Tom successfully sends all the villains and the two other Spider-Men back to their respective timelines. Norman is put back in the last second before he's impaled by his glider. Luckily, the orb didn't break, but it's heavily cracked. Tom thinks about using the orb to bring MJ back to life and get his secret identity back, Strange warns him not to do that, but Tom doesn't listen and does it anyway. The orb breaks, and then Tom looks around as something happens, similar to when Thanos snapped his fingers. Strange asks what he has done as the screen fades to white.We cut to Tom waking up in his bed. He greets Aunt May good morning and heads for school. At school, he meets Ned. They see MJ walk past the hallway, but she doesn't recognize them, she also seems to be more popular than she was before. Tom recognizes her and becomes sad seeing her, but Ned doesn't, he just says that she's out of their league. We see a somber montage of a depressed Tom going about his day in high school. There's also a class about alternate dimensions. Tom walks out of a classroom after class and bumps into a blond girl, they say sorry to each other and make eye contact, but we don't see who this girl's face. Cut to black while we hear Tom ask what the girl's name is. Movie ends.[b] POST-CREDIT SCENE[/b]Strange gathers the remains of the broken orb and attempts to fix it, but is unsuccessful. He then senses something, hearing the faint sounds of children. Camera pans to his shoulder, revealing Wanda standing behind him with red glowing eyes.[/spoiler]
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reaguje na: esmo

Matoucí střih

Jak říkáš, v traileru to vypadá, že nejdřív vidí Petera v civilu, ale já bych šumí tipnul, že Oto to neříká Tomovi a jedna se o šikovný střih, kdy dávají do kombinace dvě rozdílné scény - a Molina ve skutečnosti vidí *fans heavily breaths* Tobeyho a půjde o setkání po letech a scéna bude mít podobnou atmosféru jako Avengers Assemble. 
Jak říkáš, v traileru to vypadá, že nejdřív vidí Petera v civilu, ale já bych šumí tipnul, že Oto to neříká Tomovi a jedna se o šikovný střih, kdy dávají do kombinace dvě rozdílné scény - a Molina ve skutečnosti vidí *fans heavily breaths* Tobeyho a půjde o setkání po letech a scéna bude mít podobnou atmosféru jako Avengers Assemble. 
Matoucí střih
3 -1
reaguje na: Hexen_129
A nebo to můžou být ty samé z jiný vesmírů, kde třeba Green Goblin porazil Spider-Man nebo, kde Oto nezemřel a dal žije.
A nebo to můžou být ty samé z jiný vesmírů, kde třeba Green Goblin porazil Spider-Man nebo, kde Oto nezemřel a dal žije.
2 -1
reagují: Hexen_129
reaguje na: steve95
tak mě by hlavně zajímalo jak je možné ze Molina, green goblin jsou živý? nad tím se nikdo nepozastavuje. Protože pokud jsou to Raimiho záporáci který si pamatují vše s Spideyho 1/2 tak to nedává vůbec smysl.
tak mě by hlavně zajímalo jak je možné ze Molina, green goblin jsou živý? nad tím se nikdo nepozastavuje. Protože pokud jsou to Raimiho záporáci který si pamatují vše s Spideyho 1/2 tak to nedává vůbec smysl.
3 0
reagují: hroubek
reaguje na: esmo
..tak trailery ukazovaly i Hulka ve Wakandě, TIE vs. Jyn Erso a jiné události. :) S tím bych byl tedy opatrný.
..tak trailery ukazovaly i Hulka ve Wakandě, TIE vs. Jyn Erso a jiné události. *:)* S tím bych byl tedy opatrný.
4 -1
reaguje na: Svaťoš
Ale nevidí náhodou Petera napřed v civilu a až pak se přepne to pavoučího oblečku?
Teda alespoň trailer to tak ukazuje.
Ale nevidí náhodou Petera napřed v civilu a až pak se přepne to pavoučího oblečku? Teda alespoň trailer to tak ukazuje.
3 0
reagují: steve95, Vault_13
reaguje na: steve95
Oto vi, ze Spiderman = Peter Parker, takze kdyz uvidi Spidermana tak mu automaticky rika Peter, ackoliv pod maskou muze byt Tom.
Oto vi, ze Spiderman = Peter Parker, takze kdyz uvidi Spidermana tak mu automaticky rika Peter, ackoliv pod maskou muze byt Tom.
2 -1
reagují: esmo
Jo, Strange arogantní byl, ale od jeho nehody přeci jen ušel nějakou cestu a to, jak je ztvárněný v tom traileru, jde celkem proti jeho charakteru, jaký získal v průběhu jeho účinkování v rámci MCU. Takže za mě je to 1) šikovně sestříháno, 2) někdo jiný, ať to už může znamenat věci řečené v článku nebo i něco dalšího, 3) kombinace obojího.
Jo, Strange arogantní byl, ale od jeho nehody přeci jen ušel nějakou cestu a to, jak je ztvárněný v tom traileru, jde celkem proti jeho charakteru, jaký získal v průběhu jeho účinkování v rámci MCU. Takže za mě je to 1) šikovně sestříháno, 2) někdo jiný, ať to už může znamenat věci řečené v článku nebo i něco dalšího, 3) kombinace obojího.
3 -1
reaguje na: steve95
Možná to pozná z kontextu předchozího dění, o kterém zatím nevíme (v traileru jsou jen střípky). Taky by mě zajímalo, jestli, pokud to tedy bude ten stejný Doc Ock (jakože asi jo) si bude při svém objevení uvědomovat všechny ty zákulisní věci ohledně multiverza, nebo bude "hozený do vody" a bude se muset taky patřičně zorientovat.
Možná to pozná z kontextu předchozího dění, o kterém zatím nevíme (v traileru jsou jen střípky). Taky by mě zajímalo, jestli, pokud to tedy bude ten stejný Doc Ock (jakože asi jo) si bude při svém objevení uvědomovat všechny ty zákulisní věci ohledně multiverza, nebo bude "hozený do vody" a bude se muset taky patřičně zorientovat.
2 -1
"Multiverzum totiž nebude hrát roli v tom, jestli se postavy z jiných univerz budou mezi sebou poznávat, ačkoliv je teď třeba ztvárňují noví herci." - tohle mi není úplně jasné, jak je možné, že Oto z Tobeyho světa, pozná, že Tom je Spiderman, když přijde do jiné reality? 
"Multiverzum totiž nebude hrát roli v tom, jestli se postavy z jiných univerz budou mezi sebou poznávat, ačkoliv je teď třeba ztvárňují noví herci." - tohle mi není úplně jasné, jak je možné, že Oto z Tobeyho světa, pozná, že Tom je Spiderman, když přijde do jiné reality? 
5 0
reaguje na: Arbiter
Nebylo by to poprvé, kdy Marvel do traileru dává sekvence, které ve filmu nakonec budou úplně jinak, nebo v něm nebudou vůbec. Ať už jsou ty leaky pravdivé nebo ne, tak třeba ten plot element, který ve výsledku vede k prolnutí realit, je imho lepší v leaku než traileru.
Nebylo by to poprvé, kdy Marvel do traileru dává sekvence, které ve filmu nakonec budou úplně jinak, nebo v něm nebudou vůbec. Ať už jsou ty leaky pravdivé nebo ne, tak třeba ten plot element, který ve výsledku vede k prolnutí realit, je imho lepší v leaku než traileru.
1 0
reaguje na: Polux
No vzhledem k tomu, že v traileru je ukázaný, jak bude zapojenej Strange, tak ty leaky vlastně už teď nedávají smysl.
No vzhledem k tomu, že v traileru je ukázaný, jak bude zapojenej Strange, tak ty leaky vlastně už teď nedávají smysl.
2 -1
reagují: Polux
reaguje na: Horace
Taky před tím plánuju zhlédnout asi všechny předchozí Spider-many. Jen teda ne ty s Tomem. Takový masochista fakt nejsem:D
Taky před tím plánuju zhlédnout asi všechny předchozí Spider-many. Jen teda ne ty s Tomem. Takový masochista fakt nejsem*:D*
2 -3
Irónia je, že sa teším na všetkých starých spidermanov a ich camea a na toho Tomovho vôbec :D. Je to zlé?

A ešte mi robí radosť Strange.
Irónia je, že sa teším na všetkých starých spidermanov a ich camea a na toho Tomovho vôbec :D. Je to zlé? A ešte mi robí radosť Strange.
6 -3
reagují: Ad_Earwig
Já se přiznám, že mě od dvojky (Raimiho) Spideyho nebavil žádnej díl, nejvíc se mi líbil samozřejmě Keaton jako Vulture. Takže se těším, ale opatrně. Holland je fajn, ale vůbec k němu nemám žádnej vztah. 
Já se přiznám, že mě od dvojky (Raimiho) Spideyho nebavil žádnej díl, nejvíc se mi líbil samozřejmě Keaton jako Vulture. Takže se těším, ale opatrně. Holland je fajn, ale vůbec k němu nemám žádnej vztah. 
2 -2
Strašnej MarvelZone tady, muhahaha :D
Strašnej MarvelZone tady, muhahaha *:D*
4 -3
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Zapomenuté heslo
Přihlašte se jedním kliknutím přes facebook:


Nemáte svůj účet? Registrací získate možnosti:
  1. Komentovat a hodnotit filmy a trailery
  2. Sestavovat si žebříčky oblíbených filmů a trailerů
  3. Vytvářet filmové blogy
  4. Soutěžit o filmové i nefilmové ceny
  5. Dostat se na exklusivní filmové projekce a předpremiéry
registrovat se